Inazuma Super Session (Tarantura TCDJBAFKS-1)
Ink Stick Shibaura Factory – May 10-11, 1987
FM Tokyo – Suntory Sound Market
Aired: May, 12, 1987
Recorded: May 10, 1987
Celia Paul MC, Jack Bruce Interview/Strange Brew, White Room, First Time I Met The Blues, A.P.K., Sitting On Top Of The World, Anton Fier Interview, Politician, Sunshine Of Your Love, Jack Bruce Interview, Band Introduction, Crossroads
From Original CD Absolute Live! (32 8H 132)
Recorded: May 11, 1987
White Room, Sunshine Of Your Love, Band Introduction, Happy Birthday Jack, Crossroads, Spoonful, Beat Of Rock
The Inazuma Super Session took place at the Inkstick Shibaura Factory in Tokyo and featured Jack Bruce on bass and vocals with drummer Anton Fier and Japanese guitarist, Kenji Suzuki. The band performs mostly Cream material and present it with a slightly more modern and edgy feel. Kenji’s guitar playing is probably closer to Van Halen here than Clapton but overall comes across well with some amazing playing. Jack sounds on top of his game and his bass has a dominant presence in the recordings and vocally sounds just as strong as he did in the late sixties. Both live recordings are excellent soundboard while having somewhat of a dry, small venue sound to them.
After an introduction in both Japanese and English, the program starts with an interview with Jack Bruce over the studio recording of “Strange Brew” where Jack is asked about the formation of Cream. The live tracks from the first half of the disc were recorded on May 10th and aired on FM radio on May 12th for Suntory Sound Market.
“White Room” is very tight. Anton Fier gives these songs a rock solid feel sometimes lacking a bit of the looseness that we are used to hearing associated with these tracks. “First Time I Met The Blues” is incorrectly listed as “First Time I Met The Bruce” and is a very Cream style slow blues number that will loosen things up. A personal highlight from the disc for me would be “A.P.K.”. This is a really cool hard rock funk instrumental track that showcases the power of the trio. Jack blows on his harmonica to start “Sitting On Top Of The World” but quickly switches back to bass as the band comes in. Everyone lets loose in “Politician” which ends up segueing into “Sunshine Of Your Love” where Bruce covers both vocal parts in the absence of a second lead vocalist.
The latter portion of the disc was recorded the following day on May 11th and is taken from the CD Absolute Live! It features less tracks than the broadcast, featuring only four Cream tracks, and includes the audience singing “Happy Birthday” to Jack. It also has the benefit of a ten minute version of “Spoonful”, not included in the broadcast of the previous day. The CD closes out with some hip-hop style music playing over the PA, indexed separately as “Beat Of Rock”.
Inazuma Super Session is a very interesting release from Tarantura and definitely recommended for fans of both Jack Bruce and Cream. It comes in a standard single jewel case, not up to par with most Tarantura packaging, but still a decent looking presentation.
1 Comment
A very enjoyable and high sound quality couple of sessions presented here and I’m quite amazed with jack’s performances considering they are almost 20 years after Cream called it quits. I’m not familiar with the other two musicians however would like to hear more from Kenji. This is also the first jewel case release from Tarantura in my collection.