
Crystal Cat releases Bob Dylan The Stockholm Box & Dog N Cat goes on a budget

Crystal Cat hae released The Stockholm Box containing the two shows from Stockholm, Sweden in 2009 and bonus tracks.  This is four disc set enclosed in a sturdy, high quality box to house each show. 

Berns 2009 contains the March 22nd, 2009 show in Berns Salonger.  

Globen 2009 has the following night at the Globen on March 23rd, 2009.  As usual for the label, they include copious bonus tracks to fill out the discs. 

Dog N Cat released a rare uncatalogued and budget priced title Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out Complete! 

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  1. Oh, and “Stary Cat Blues” is unfortunately “Stray Cat Blues”. Who could have guessed ?

  2. Listened through it all, now.
    Excellent CD, put together from the “real GYYYO” and the “bonus disc” (not the DVD!). Of course there’s nothing new here – but it’s a majestic listen, and also a bargain – as it costs less than 50% of the “standard DAC”.

  3. Just recieved it, and as I suspected – it’s not the “acetate” (or “Brodway”) version. It’s the standard GYYYO added with the DVD tracks. Meanwhile, THIS is the way GYYYO should be like. The tracks are inserted at appropriate places; and it’s a wonderful thing to hear it all without having to change discs (as the official box set). Haven’t finished the listening yet – only checked out a few tracks before writing this comment. Now; it’s over to playing the entire disc….!

  4. Has the GYYYO complete been released ? Where to find it ? It’s the way the Stones should have released it instead of the useless 4 CD official edition.

  5. erikbt – you maybe right. Whilst it’ll be interesting to see what source material they’ve used I doubt I’ll buy it myself. If you’ve Broadway & the offical album you don’t really need it. In fact using the official album you could make your own CDR or MP3 player compilation.

  6. Hopefully, we’ll also find out what kind of song “STARY (!) Cat Blues” is, ha ha

  7. @roertd7; never thought about it being something off “Broadway”. I immediately presumed that it was simply a combination of the official album and the “new songs” available on disc 2 of the official boxset. Which would explain why they sold it at such a cheap price. Rolling Stones should have inserted the “new tracks” at the appropriate places within GYYYO themselves, I think – as “disc 2” – instead of having those “loose songs” compiled as one disc.
    But sure….we’ll find out in a week or so (me too).

  8. We’ll find out next week, reortd7, what is on the disc. I’m not sure exactly what it is.

  9. Re the Dog n Cat release, I’m hazarding a guess this is a compilation taken from their Broadway release last year, leastways that’s what it looks like to me.

  10. I think that, even if it isn’t a real Dog N Cat, it still looks like a good title to own if one doesn’t already have it. The price is insanely cheap.

  11. @Stuart; I can (almost) confirm – 95% sure

  12. Excellent! The CC comes back with another beautiful set of two fine Dylan shows. It’s a shame that he doesn’t seem to have followed him on his 2010 tour so far.
    Are we sure these Stones releases are the real D’n’C? I’m sure that some of their 2006 tour releases were released under the name but not the same label. Can anyone confirm please?


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