
New releases

Three new releases of note today.  Eric Clapton Springfield 1975 is a two disc set with the June 24th, 1975 Springfield, Massachusetts show released by no label. 

Eric Clapton Deep Inside is a two disc set with the July 20th, 1974 Long Beach show.  This is a repressing of the Beano title released several years ago and is in excellent quality.  This too is pressed by no label. 

Pink Floyd Animal Cops (Sigma 30) is a four disc set with the July 3rd and July 4th, 1977 Madison Square Garden shows in excellent quality. 

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  1. I read from someone that attended the Providence show , Clapton had his back turned to the crowd from start to finish , including the encore with Santana. This person also wrote they saw a back-up guitarist behind a stack of speakers filling in some leads. If this is true { and it very well may be }it’s not hard to figure out why. This person stated how disappointed they were and it ties into what you said. He did not realize just how much he meant to his fans and he showed disregard at times. The pains of addiction. Having said all that , I still enjoy this show and I’m glad to have it in my collection – thanks.

  2. I have the Boston ’74 show and it is good also. I don’t know about the Providence show though. I have the Akashic version and the quality is excellent, but Clapton himself seemed a bit hazy shall we say. Which if you read his biography (recommended), he talks about his abuses and not really wanting to do the tour in the stadiums he was playing. He didn’t realize just how popular he was.

  3. I’m waiting on the Springfield show to arrive. It will make a nice companion release to my Splendor title which is the next night’s concert in Providence , RI. This is also a good show that is well recorded and worth looking for.
    On the 74 tour , another show that I like is the “Boston 1974” title from Beano , Beano 020 – July 12, 1974. I really like the version of Mainline Florida on this. It is a very enjoyable show and should be in everyone’s Clapton collection.
    One last note about the Deep Inside title. If you go to Flickr and type “Eric Clapton July 20, 1974” in the search box , you will get some nice pictures that were shot at this concert. It’s pretty cool , especially when you see the photos that were taken during Little Queenie. You will now understand Eric’s comments and why he is laughing so much. Good stuff – thanks.

  4. So far, Springfield is pretty good also for an audience recording. Very balanced with Clapton laying down some good licks with Blackie.

  5. Years ago, when I reviewed Deep Inside, I claimed that it is the best example of a “prefect” release: excellent sound qualty, a great performance and more complete that its predecessors. I’m glad it has been reissued so now collectors stop bugging me for mine!

    We will have a full review of the reprint posted soon enough, but for Clapton collectors it is absolutely essential to own.

  6. I’m listening to Deep Inside right now and it’s outstanding! A smokin version of Layla, and Clapton actually sounds sober for change during this tour. Great release, excellent quality.

  7. I have the Beano release of the Deep Inside title and it is one of my favorite Clapton boots. It is near impossible to find now , so here is your chance to pick-up this excellent show in great quality if you don’t already have it. You won’t be disappointed . Looking forward to the new Sigma release , nice.

  8. As most Floyd fans probably already remember, there’s a few disorderly glitches or edits occurring in the “Pigs (3 Different Ones)” of the Fourth of July show, which is otherwise excellent, and so I’ll be curious to see how Sigma has dealt with those on their new Sigma 30.

  9. Somebody is listening.


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