
News and New releases

Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band Born Again Live (Social Graces 005) contains a soundboard recording from The Palace, Auburn Hills, Michigan, on November 13th, 2009 with the complete Born To Run LP.

Rainbow Definitive Surrender Documents (Darker Than Blue 099) contains a soundboard recording of the August 28th, 1981 Budokan show. 

Whitesnake Light & Shade (Shades 271) contains the August 4th, 1984 Nagoya show. 

Ozzy Definitive Barks (no label) contains the June 29th, 1984 Tokyo show.

Finally, Tarantua will issue Queen Princess Road (TQCD-4-1, 2) featuring a Mr. Peach recording of the March 24th, 1976 show at the Shiritsu Kohseinenkin-Kaikan, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan.  The quality is expected to be excellent. 

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  1. Great, that’s what I was hoping, thanks.

  2. Yes, its is a different tape source. We’ll have a full review of Ohkini soon.

  3. Any word on the new Tarantura Neil Young title Ohkini? I’ve already ordered it and I gather it’s from another Mr. Peach recording but I’m wondering if it’s a different source from the Screamer release Another Osaka from a few years ago. That featured an incomplete, albeit excellent source. I wonder if that was a partial release of this Mr. Peach tape or if this Tarantura release is debuting the recording entirely. For one thing, that was a single disc (missing, I believe, only three songs) and this Tarantura title seems to spread the show over three discs.


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