
Paul McCartney – One Hand Clapping (Misterclaudel)

One Hand Clapping (Misterclaudel)

One Hand Clapping, Jet, Soily, C Moon/Little Woman Love, Billy Don’t Be A Hero, Maybe I’m Amazed, drum improv., My Love, Bluebird, Suicide, Let’s Love/Sitting At The Piano, I’ll Give You A Ring, Band On The Run, Live & Let Die, 1985, Baby Face

“One Hand Clapping” is a strange document. When Paul, Linda and the rest of the band returned to the UK after their seven week working vacation in Nashville, Tennessee, there were many pressures on the band at this time. Having released their biggest hit with Band On The Run, McCartney was breaking in a whole new band with guitarist Jimmy McCullouch and drummer Geoff Britton. They had a strange mix of personalities to go along with the usual pressure of playing in the same band as an ex-Beatle.

The British press was running many stories about the clashes and imminent breakup of Wings along with the usual rumors about the reunion of the Fab Four. To counter all of this they produced this television documentary showing them rehearsing in Abbey Road Studio for their first true world wide tour and interviewing Paul and showing everybody generally in a positive light. The only problem is the tour never did happen when Britton was unceremoniously dumped from the band, and “One Hand Clapping” remained in the vaults, never to air.

This new release on Misterclaudel is their first foray into DVD (along with the simultaneously released “James Paul McCartney”) and is interesting without being enlightening. Despite the claim on the front cover, the master was NOT used but a copy several generations away. The picture is fuzzy and wavy at points and really shows its age. The sound quality is very good, as good as the Watchtower release from 2001. The performances are good for a rehearsal. It is interesting to note this is the only existing footage of Geoff Britton playing with the band, since he never did tour with them. He is wearing his karate uniform and even shows his moves during the drum improv.

It’s also great to have another studio version of “Soily” and the very rare song “Suicide”, one of McCartney’s first songs, and a rare version of “1985″. The interviews are also cool to listen to, hearing Paul speaking about aging and other topics. As it is here the documentary definitely needs some editing and work for a final product, but this is probably the best we’ll see of this until the master does indeed surface.

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  1. thanks solly. I guess I’ll need to track that down!

  2. In 2006, Picture Perfect released Paul McCartney & Wings “Lightspeed” PPDVD 19/20,which had a very nice version of One Hand Clapping .

  3. does anyone know if there is a better quality version than this one?


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