
Led Zeppelin – Dedicated To Anyone Who Got Divorced Today (TCOLZ 036/037/038/039/040/041)

Dedicated To Anyone Who Got Divorced Today (TCOLZ 036/037/038/039/040/041)

Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA – March 12th, 1975

Disc 1 (76:13):  Rock And Roll, Sick Again, Over The Hills And Far Away, In My Time Of Dying, The Song Remains The Same, The Rain Song, Kashmir, No Quarter

Disc 2 (72:36):  Trampled Underfoot, Moby Dick, Dazed And Confused, Stairway To Heaven

Disc 3 (26:52):  Whole Lotta Love / The Crunge, Out On The Tiles intro / Black Dog, Heartbreaker

Disc 4 (34:06):  Stairway To Heaven, Whole Lotta Love / The Crunge, Out On The Tiles intro / Black Dog, Heartbreaker  

Disc 5 (79:56):  Introduction, Rock And Roll, Sick Again, Over The Hills And Far Away, In My Time Of Dying, The Song Remains The Same, The Rain Song, Kashmir, No Quarter

Disc 6 (74:19):  Trampled Underfoot, Moby Dick, Dazed And Confused, Heartbreaker

Dedicated To Anyone Who Got Divorced Today is a six disc set on The Chronicles Of Led Zeppelin which presents all three tape sources for the wild March 12th, 1975 show in Long Beach on Zeppelin’s tenth US tour.  The first three discs contain the complete but distorted show and the fourth disc has the half hour long Mike Millard fragment with “Stairway To Heaven” and the encore set. 

Of interest is the new but incomplete tape source on discs five and six.  Recently surfaced, this is a very good recording with emphasis on the lower end, as is common with many Zeppelin audience recordings from 1975.

The tape is complete for the first half of the show but has a small cut after “Trampled Underfoot” and cuts out in “Dazed And Confused” at 28:17 during the second verse eliminating the coda of the piece, “Stairway To Heaven” and the first encore “Whole Lotta Love,” “The Crunge” and “Black Dog.”  There is almost four solid minutes of cheering before the second encore “Heartbreaker.” 

The cuts are strange enough to suggest intentionality behind them, or else some kind of story about the tape recorder not working during that missing half hour.  TCOLZ in keeping with their philosophy present the tapes unremastered in their natural state.  Some collectors might not agree with this, but it is a way to hear and to listen to the shows unhindered. 

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  1. I’m sure this release isn’t for everyone but I really enjoyed having the sources together and on Silver Discs.

  2. I’m pretty much ignorant of the tape trading world and what is out there and what is not. However I do think AA makes a valid point. If Weedwhacker is gonna make a statement he should back it up. Otherwise he should really keep his big mouth shut.

  3. Of course we all loving Beelzebub stuff as well as other premium budget labels but I wanna advise once again to Mr. Weedwacker to make the possibility of hearing true transfer for Long Beach March 12th, 1975 newly surfcaed audience source since he kindly mentioned about it on one of his above statemenets. So please Mr. Weedwacker – give Us, the Led Zeppelin collectors, a chance to compare which version is really worth of taking our attention. We need an assitance from the side of such professional man as You.

  4. I’ve always loved Beelzebub. We just have a funny way of expressing it!

  5. Hey GS, I never noticed before but has your nose always been that big?? ;))))))

  6. I want to go on record here that I love the Beelzebub label. They are the world’s greatest Led Zeppelin bootleg label and the guy who runs the label is a sweetheart.

  7. Thanks to Hager for admitting that once in a while Beelzebub gets it right. I’ve been trying to get people to at least give them a chance. They can be good especially when working with soundboards or excellent aud tapes.

  8. I can’t agree with You, Hager. I too heard Beelzebub version you’re refering, titled “Malacum Salaam” and in fact, this title just amplified the tape (the generation is no doubt the same) so much that we can think it’s an upgrade but in fact I still prefer raw mix released on TCOLZ. Just put your treble on and ready to listen! But what making me sad is the report wrote by Mr. Weedwacker about what he called a real master transfer. Sadly, he wasn’t able to tell Us something more where we can download this to compare. It seems that Mr. Weedwacker prefering having something only for himself.

  9. I fully agree with weedwacker about the flat and disappointing sound presented in this new 3rd source. The first version I heard of this was Beelzebub’s, and it blows TCOLZ’s version out of the water for all intents and purposes. I’ve gotta swallow hard to write something like that, but the aim of this collectors’ site is to spread the truth. That’s the truth, in my opinion.

  10. Well, it seems that some of collectors very are satisfied when something is shared in only closest circles.

  11. I like cover art-but I also liked the original covers of this label. No frills-just let the music speak for itself if you will

  12. Does it available anywhere to download?

  13. Yes. I was the person who first posted a low gen master>cdr version of this show from a mix put together by the person who transfered this tape in the first place. I know what both sound like and neither of them are as flat sounding as this.

  14. Did you have a chance to hear the raw master saying this?

  15. I finally had a chance to listen to some of this and yeah this is the new 3rd source but it is not the raw copy. This has been heavily eq’d. People are going to buy what they want either way since this label’s claim to fame is to be putting out unmastered raw sources it is fair to call them out on it when they try to slide one past that isn’t.

  16. Thanks gobucks for clearing that up for us!

  17. The entire show was taped. However, the missing part of the show was damaged beyond repair on the master. So, it is not available in any sound quality, distorted or otherwise.

  18. So you think there is a complete master tape with distorted portion somewhere?

  19. The new tape source is not complete because a portion of the master tape was not salvagable (from the cut in D&C until the second encore). It is unfortunate since it sounds better than source one.

  20. I have checked this and found that 3rd source used by TCOLZ seems to be unequalized and even if does, it’s not a copy of Beelzebub.

  21. Hopefully at some point someone can determine if they really did release the raw tape source or lifted one of the eq’d remastered copies released by Beebub or the mix eq’d version torrented for free for the new 3rd source.


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