
new Led Zeppelin box set on Godfather

The newest box set on Godfather is Ascension In The Wane (GR BOX 13) contains the January 1973 UK soundboards over ten discs.

Oxford Blues  has the January 7th show at the New Theatre in Oxford.

One For The M6 covers the January 14th show in Liverpool.

Groovin’ In The Garden has the January 15th soundboard from Stoke.

The Black Hole Of Calcutta has the Southampton multi-track recording from Southampton University on January 22nd.

Odds And Ends has the soundboard fragments from January 18th Bradford and January 27th in Dundee along with the fifteen minute sound check from the Southampton University gig as a bonus. 

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  1. ok – got the Godfather yesterday – it is a beautiful box set…really nice and it will take time to digest all the material in this massive box set but as we all know 73′ was hot and this set represents the January boards very well. If you have the chance I would say go!

  2. The Wonderland label has put out a series of box sets in the past year, maybe two. Mostly compilations of previously released material. However they also released a nice 5DVD box of Bowie + Spiders the Complete 1980 Floor Show Rehearsals plus bonus material. But the days of box set boots are mostly gone. This LZ set looks like a must have.

  3. Looking forward to this one in a big way…..would be a dream to have Godfather put out a box set of the 79-80 board tapes, I’m sure they could make these recordings breath new fire again….other fantasy Godfather release would be a multi disc studio out takes box ala Scorpios Studio Sessions Ultimate…one can only dream!

  4. ok – I have caved in and ordered this – only cause I love the 73′ shows…will update when it arrives….if it is better than the Nasty release Great Lost Live then I am cool with the cost.

  5. Nice to see that labels are putting out deluxe sets like this one. I thought they were a thing of the past.

  6. I guess the “Labels” really do read your reviews! I made a comment after gsparaco’s review on Zeppelin’s “Welcome Back” box set on January 12, 2012 (almost 6 months ago), about how it would be nice if Godfather would work their magic on the January ’73 soundboards…. Put your request in now and maybe you’ll get yours for Christmas!


  7. Iam sure this will be a delight! Ahhhhh.. if only someone would release a box set of soundboards from the 1969 tours. That would be the pinnacle for Zep fans (when they were fresh and very energized!)

  8. This is the most anticipated Godfather Box in my opinion! The 73 tour ROCKS!

  9. You just know it’s gonna be great!

  10. Wow! Looks like this could be an “Epic Box Set” to own! I’ve always loved the ’73 tour, I just hope Godfather kicks these board tapes square in the nuts and puts some life into them. Then again, we are talking about Godfather. I’m sure this will nothing less than stellar.


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