
new releases

Pink Millard (Sigma 31) is a two disc set with the April 26th, 1975 show in Los Angeles taken from a Mike Millard recording. 

Deep Purple Munster Master (Darker Than Blue 059) is a one disc set containing the January 23rd, 1973 Münster, Germany show. 

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  1. Re. comments by mollers about bit torrent download sites, etc…. the whole point of this site is to promote and celebrate the physical format, not downloads. As you can see from the hundreds of reviews on this website, packaging and other aesthetic elements are an essential part of the collecting experience (sadly becoming a thing of the past, thanks to downloading).

  2. The skipping thing is a strange one as I have at least a dozen Sirene/ Sigma titles and they all play flawlessly? I also have a decent collection of silver disc boots and can count on one hand how many I got with pressing flaws in all my collecting years…A couple of suggestions… First, if you don’t aleady have it, download a copy of the freeware “Exact Audio Copy” (EAC). Besides being the ripping software of choice of traders it has a test function so you can test your silver discs to see if they have pressing flaws (skips). If they come up clean then it is your CD player which has a problem. Second suggestion, If the discs test clean on EAC I suggest purchasing some Mitsui Gold cdr’s (not cheap!). I have found that if I have a silver disc which will not play in a certain cd player if I burn a copy on the Mitsui Golds they will ususally play in that player. You may also want to try burning them to a good quality lesser expensive silver surface cdr like the Taiyo Yuden brand and see if they will play in the toublesome CD player. Of course this assumes they come up clean when testing them using EAC. If you come up with errors then you probably have a silver disc with a pressing flaw and nothing can fix that unfortunately. I have had similar problems with CD players not playing certain silver discs and it was always the player which had the problem…good luck….

  3. It is good to hear that this release is choice. I will pursue this release, mainly due to this site and what is posted here – thanks to everyone who contributes – REALLY!
    (end butt kissing here)
    It is not good to hear that another Sirene/Sigma release will not play in a certain situation (car player). I have had problems with S/S discs in the past skipping on the last track(s), yet no problems when importing into
    IMHO for the $ these cost – S/S should work these bugs out.
    Note: I have had the “skipping” problem with another (lesser) label, but that’s it.

  4. O.K., I have listened closer, but there’s also something that’s begining to irk me about Sirene/Sigma which I’ll get to.
    As far as cuts go during Any Color…, right at the begining og Gilmore’s solo there’s seems to be a split second of what could be a cut, but sounds more like tape wobble, and I don’t even think a note is missed. Later on, again it sounds more like tape wobble that a cut. If they are cuts, you won’t notice them unless you’re listening for them.
    Having said that, this is yet another set that wont play in my car CD player. I would love to know this only seems to happen with these guys. I get CDR’s that will, but they seem to be the only maker that wont.

  5. Didn’t notice any type of editing, but I wasn’t listening to it that closely in all honesty. I have Black Holes In The Sky, but not the Highland/Millard version, so that’s all I can compare it to.

  6. eric99, does the new “Pink Millard” have any edits, especially the one late in ‘Any Colour You Like’ that the Highland “Late Great Millard Tapes” 3-CD has? That’s pretty much the only thing about it that I’m curiously wondering about in order to make a decision on whether or not to order it ASAP. Thanks if you can let us know.

  7. Received my copy of Pink Millard today and it is outstanding!. Sounds almost on par with a commercial release, recording and performance level. Another great Sigma title you gotta have.

  8. Just a couple public service announcements: Yes, there was apparently an error at the pressing plant for Sigma-30, which is being corrected – I don’t have any other info regarding it’s contents yet however. Secondly, I’ve been out of town on holiday so several Floyd reviews are still pending, but coming as soon as possible nonetheless. Lastly, I figured it was only a matter of time before Sigma would offer a definitive version of the 4/26/75 show – and it’s one of the best Floyd live recordings ever. I wouldn’t be surprised if by this time next year Sigma has “wiped out” the rest of the STTP Floyd releases (not including the Roger Waters title).

  9. lug_nutz6, why would the San Diego ’71-10-17 show need to be upgraded after Siréne released “Heart of Darkness”? By now, it seems that after so many versions of it have been released, the only way that it could be significantly upgraded these days is if ‘A Saucerful of Secrets’ & ‘Echoes’ missing from it finally surface for the very first time ever. And are you sure that you have the correct date of the ’71-06-01 show, or do you possibly have it mistaken for some other show, such as the one in Austria ’71-07-01? I do agree that especially the Washington D.C. show of ’71-11-16 needs to be released in definitive version on factory-pressed silver.

    Also, in my previous comment, I forgot to mention that Ayanami’s “Master Stroke” version doesn’t have the little edit late in ‘Any Colour You Like’ that the Highland version unfortunately has, so being pretty much equal in sound quality, I prefer the Ayanami version a tiny bit more, but it’s just too bad that it’s a 2-pro-CD-R instead of being on factory-pressed silver like the Highland version.

  10. I have listened to & been fond of this show for a couple of years. I picked up a speed corrected version of this very recently that REALLY gives this show some teeth. I’ve always given 6-18-75 Boston a very slight edge here. That opinion of mine has changed. If Sigma #31 is at the correct speed, has the splendid subtle touches they put into their work – it might be definitive (well we’ll see) All of this is IMHO. Thank You B.

  11. Re strummerville’s comments about Harvested releases being difficult to get hold of, this isn’t really the case, any decent rock bit torrent site should host some Harvested releases. The whole concept of the Harvested catalogue is to share FREELY, and never to be sold.

  12. I’d be interested to know how Sigma 31 compares with Harvested’s “Cruel But Fair” (HRV 026) which sounds absolutely superb. I know Harvested spend a ridiculous amount of time painstakingly removing any sound imperfection from the original source, using equipment that would make the CIA jealous. Unfortunately, their discs are very difficult to get hold of. Also, bearing in mind the credit crunch, I have to be really selective about which titles I choose to replace/update these days…

  13. I’ve now heard that Sigma-30 was unexpectedly delayed. Oh man…I’m wondering what it’s going to be? Anybody have any ‘inside’ info? I would like to see the Florida 4.24.77 show at the correct speed. An upgraded version of 5.15.71, 6.1.71, 10.17.71, 11.16.71, 11.15.72 or 1.21.72 would also be nice. And as eric99 previously mentioned an 8 disc set of MSG 7.1-4.77 would be very welcomed, though quite ambitious. Then I’m wondering if this will be Sigma’s version of the 3.18.73 show recently released by GodFather?

  14. Sigma 7 was actually released before Sigma 6 was, so Sigma 30 is probably next. The STTP title “Hog’s (sic) in Smog ’75” had already been pretty much superseded by the Highland version “The Late Great Millard Tapes”, although the Highland version unfortunately has a little edit late in ‘Any Colour You Like’ – I’m most curious how Sigma may have dealt with that particular point in the recording. Ayanami’s 2-pro-CD-R version “Master Stroke” that was released several years ago was virtually just as good as the Highland title that eventually came out a few years later in my personal opinion, but sadly it’s not on factory-pressed silver. Also, like the outstanding Boston ’75-06-18 show, I think that all versions of this similarly outstanding show that I’ve heard so far tend to sound slightly thinner than I prefer them to be.

  15. Sigma 30 is probably in production now. Titles are not always released in catalogue sequence.

    The Yes boxset is supposed to contain the Millard tapes from 1977 from Long Beach and Los Angeles. There is no definitive word yet on when it will be ready for release though.

  16. I just heard that Tarantura is getting ready to release another Yes Box set “The Word is Love II 77” The 77 tour is one of my favorites for the classic lineup as Yes is playing great and still getting along. They also play “Close to the Edge” which was dropped in 78/79 tours… Anyone have any details on the shows involved?

  17. Yeeesss!, Good questions there lug nutz. A lot of these 3 Cd Floyd releases could actually fir onto 2 discs. Some are spread out to ensure correct “playing time” related to the sound of the Cd itself. Sigma/Sirene have been doing an excellent job though, and I have enough faith in them to maintain they’re run of quality releases. Personally I have hoping for an upgrade of these Floyd/Millard tapes and I’m looking forward to this.

  18. …and what ever happened to Sigma-30?

  19. hmmm….I’m both excited and slightly skeptical about Sigma-31. Another STTP title eliminated which is great, but my concern is that it is only 2 discs? We know that the Highland release of this show was 3 discs. I guess Sigma cut out the tuning? Perhaps Sigma is feeling the current economic crunch and had to cut a few corners? Or maybe 3 discs was unnecessary for Highland’s version…either way, now I can stop looking for the Highland release!

  20. Now this is good! (Pink Millard)


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