
New Theme and your Feedback

As most of you are aware, we are making major changes around here. The feedback we received mostly positive and some “not so kind”

Firstly, we need to explain a few things here:

1) Why we need to change the theme?

As explained a month or two ago, the old theme has security flaws and all the “codings” underneath need to be re-coded. It will cost thousand over dollars if not, in the high range of hundred to hire a programmer to run through the entire website to patch up all the codes. So we chose a cheaper option, which is to pay for the NEW theme template ($55) and another $150 for a programmer to customize the site to our requirements.

2) I know some people like it and some people don’t. As in everything in life, changes will take some time to adapt. Please be patience with us as we make the changes, tweaking, adjustments to the site. There are a lot of great features in this new template and adding content and features will be easy for lay people like us who are basically interested in music more than handling website technicalities.

3) We are also testing out a forum feature in this new template, which allow all comments directed to a forum page for discussion. From the forum, you can see which title is on discussion right away. For example : We do hope this new forum feature will be actively use.

4) One feature we have disabled (temporarily) at the moment is the requirements to “log-in” in order to view all the content of the website. We also like your feedback as to whether users need to log-in to view the content especially now we have a forum.

5) Speed of the website. We have improve on the loading speed of the entire website compared to a few months ago. With the new theme, and added features, the site may slow down once again. However, the great thing is of moving to this new existing server we are on is that, it is easily scalable in performance for an increment of only $10 per month. Nevertheless, we are continuing to work with the programmer to optimize the entire website to make it load faster for everyone.

6) Lastly, we like your feedback on what features you like to have from the previous theme and what other improvement you like to see in this new theme. Please leave your comments on feed back below. We are humans and not robots, so make each point of your feedback in bullet or listing them in point form for easy reading.

Once again, we ask for your patience as we implement each feature slowly. Everyone here has a day job and a family to take care off. So don’t expect LIVE customer support feature. You can also Contact Us here for other related matters which you do not want to post in the comments below.

I have been staying up for the past few nights making the site work. If you like to buy me a cup of Joe while I continue to make improvement to the site, it will be greatly appreciated.

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