
We are still in Shock

We bring you sad news today. We and a lot of others on this website’s editorial are still in shock with the passing of Gerard Sparaco (Cardiac problems)  – who has been the main contributor to CollectorsMusicReviews for the past 6 years. To date he have contributed more than 3,000 pages or reviews to the site with more uncompleted still in the draft sections.

Quote from TBL site:

Gerard’s understanding and expertise in the live and underground Led Zeppelin catalogue and many other bands and artists, was second to none. Through the Music Collectors web site, he came on board to contribute a regular review column to the TBL magazine.  He also provided the enlightening Tapes Kept a Rollin’ feature. His input brought an invaluable integrity to the magazine. Gerard also contributed to the Knebworth , Over Europe and From a Whisper To a Scream books.

His reviews on the Music Collectors site were always brilliantly informative – I loved reading his insights to titles from The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, Bob Dylan  -his breadth of knowledge regarding the output of these artists and many more was quite awe inspiring.

We created a memorial page for Gerard. It was a hush hush effort — just for all to leave a message in his memories.

As an administrator and a few other editor for the site, we feel that we should keep the website going in Gerard’s memory. However, at the moment, we will not be going into the details of it. Please feel free to email us if you were in contact with Gerard’s for anything and need us to continue with you.

You will definitely be missed, Gerard.

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