
More Led Zepplin / Idol Mind re-releases.


Hot on the heels of their Beatles and Stones re-issues comes Idol Minds next release, a version of the Led Zeppelin show at Fillmore West, San Francisco on April 27th, 1969 and as with the Stones Oakland release of a few months previous is advertised as having been mastered from the original reels. This time though, the show from the soundboard ( as also released by Dadgad Productions, Tarantura, Last Stand Disc, “New” Scorpio, Kaleidoscopic Music, Immigrant, no label and Toasted / Condor) not the commonly known FM broadcast, so hopefully avoids any fluctuations in speed or sound like the Stones set.

The 2 CD set comes in two different forms – a slim line CD case or a double fat boy case. There’s no apparent difference between to two so decide if you need more space filling on your shelves or less ..

Thanks to The Led Zeppelin Database for their research


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