
The Rolling Stones – The Philadelphia Project (Stringman Records SR-081-082)

The Philadelphia Project (Stringman Records SR-081-082)

Spectrum Sports Arena, Philadelphia, PA – July 21st, 1972 early and late

Disc 1:  Brown Sugar July 21st early show *, Bitch July 21st early show *, Rocks Off July 21st early show *, Gimme Shelter July 21st early show *, Happy July 21st early show *, Tumbling Dice July 21st early show *, Love In Vain July 21st early show, Sweet Virginia July 21st early show, You Can’t Always Get What You Want July 21st early show *, All Down The Line July 21st early show [pitch corrected] *

Disc 2:  Midnight Rambler July 21st late show, Bye Bye Johnny July 21st late show, Rip This Joint July 21st late show , Jumping Jack Flash July 21st late show, Street Fighting Man July 21st late show, Uptight – Satisfaction July 20th only show

Excellent assembly of tracks from the Stones’ Philadelphia performance in July, 1972.  Most tracks taken from the pre-Swinging Pig LP Philadelphia Special, and the others from the best available sources.  Nice title on CDR.

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  1. I cut myself off of two well-known dealers’ mailing lists when their updates became mostly CDr offerings. The two sources I buy from include one veteran from the Far East (who does carry pro-CDrs) and another private dealer I came across recently. I have perhaps 2-3 VigOtone titles that were released as CDrs in the U.S. near the end of VigOtone’s run. I bought my first bootleg CD in 1990. Before the Protection Gap era, these CDs were $30-35 retail in the U.S. I personally have no interest in purchasing the CDr titles being sold. Difficult to comprehend why there is any market for them. Apparently there are enough collectors with money to spend but who have limited access to the internet, no knowledge of torrent sites, and cannot burn CDrs to make it worthwhile to sell CDr copies.

  2. First off, it was not my intent to offend anyone, or to put any reviewer on the defensive. Of course, I will not name silver pressed titles that have not been reviewed here either! While this site does a great job and covers many, many titles, there is no one site that could possibly cover the hundreds and hundreds of new titles being released monthly. Even a look at the several discographies posted here of the more popular labels and you quickly see how many titles from those have not been reviewd. However, the main point I was trying to make is that as a long time collector of professional quality, factory pressed silver discs, I find CD-R issues to be nothing more than a cheap rip-off. Professionally made some might say? Yes, well, I too have an excellent printer that does discs as well as case inserts that quite honestly are nicer and better vquality than many of these so-called “professionally made” CD-R releases. In my mind, CD-R’s are at a digital age level of the old tape trading days, yet I see these things selling for as much as silvers and more! They are great for the DIY portion of a collection too, to make a nice package out of something you’ve downloaded, as I do sometimes. Or even commercially, I have seen a few that ARE fairly priced for what they are, at around U.S.$7-10 for a single, but most sellers are charging amounts up into and even beyond the average silver price, and sorry, that offends me, as do all rip-off artists. These are discs you can have professionally made and packaged at less than U.S.$1.00 each for as few as a lot of 100 copies! You may or may not agree with me, but I’m one collector that will NOT justify this buy purchasing them. Nor should CMR validate these rip-off’s by reviewing them, as I have always considered this a site with integrity, and quite honestly, far too classy, and for some reason, I always just thought it only did reviews of silver pressed releases.
    Sure, there should be some place that reviews CD-R releases, and the sellers should start one with their huge profits, they should not get it done free, with our donations to CMR. And yes, I have donated! I have seen some sellers in recent months take on a huge amount of CD-R’s, but they would, they are businesses, motivated by profits, but I’d really hate to see CMR take this same direction.
    Naturally, this is my own opinion, but I’m curious how other collector’s feel, not recent converts, but those, like myself, that have been around for maybe longer then we care to admit? Silver purist, or CD-R’s at silver prices are fine?

  3. Unfortunately it is the direction our hobby is going. More and more shows on CDR’s and fewer silver titles..I have even broken down and bought some select CDR titles as I wanted the shows which were not on silver or long OOP….very sad state of affairs

  4. this title is also on whisky is also a cdr with the same cover shot. keep up all the good work!!

  5. I’m not sure how your time is being wasted. You don’t have to click and read the CD-R reviews.

    Which good silver titles are not being reviewed? Let me know and we’ll review them. And don’t forget to donate so we can afford them.

  6. I don’t think I’m alone here when I ask why is our time being wasted with this CD-R junk? I thought this site was for aficionados of silver pressed RoIO’s?
    As many a greedy seller has taken to selling CD-R titles today, I thought it great that integrity was maintained here, but it appears to also be infecting this site. That’s unfortunate, especially when some good silver titles are being overlooked. I have much respect for this site, however, if CD-R reviews become more routine, then, I’m gone!

  7. I see they took the artwork I made (for the torrent), but then they completely ruined it by adding that frame and those horrible letters. This label really don’t have any taste when it comes to artwork (or titles)


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